Do you remember that it was the main sympthom of a liver decease according to Jerome K. Jerome?

Well, six months ago I changed my regular work to a free-lance one expecting to work less. I supposed I would have enough time for other activities but it looked as if I overestimated my resources.
Now, I have my freelance job, which turned out to be permanent, my english lessons, which are too much interesting to stop them, the master-class of journalism I set my special hopes on. Mes cours français, ils ont finis deux moins tard le term.
Plus it seems like time for travelling comes.
I’ve just got back from Odessa where I was in a mathematical conference with my husband. In two weeks, early in May, I will go to Vinnica with my mother and brother for participating in International Complex Olympiad. In July, I am to go to France and, in September, to Russia to meet with my father.
I am scared just by reading the list of all these affairs and trips.
And I don’t want to work, to study, to write or even to travel.
All I want is to lie in my bed reading a kind of pulp fiction and to do nothing.
Is it my liver that is out of order?